Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / Forum rules and rickrolling

Forum rules and rickrolling
13:16:23 Jan 26th 10 - Mr. Dwarfnub:

§1 Stay on topic

§2 No personal attacks, racism or name calling.

§3 Do not post offending (as in disgusting) content.
General guidelines:

    * Posts must add content to the discussion.
    * Contribute to the topic. Avoid one-liners and spam.
    * No pointless criticism
    * Explain or caption pictures if they do not explain themselves
    * No advertising
    * Don't make rules for your thread unless it's some type of game, poll, etc.
    * Write in english
    * Don't make fun of other players in the game unless it's about their in-game role-playing character.
    * No chatting! Do it via PM or the chat instead.
    * Do not question forum moderation.

Bug reports and suggestions:

    * Be as specific as possible so your problem can be addressed ASAP
    * Give instructions how to repeat the bug.
    * Post as much information as possible. Screenshots are welcome.
    * Don't drag these threads off-topic, dredge up politics, etc.

Miscellaneous Discussions:

    * Thread start must have enough content to allow a debate or discussion.

In game politics

    * We talk about in game politics and are not interested to hear about how Mike Smith from California, US is a asshole. Posts clearly directed towards the player (not the character) are not tolerated.

Ok now if those are the rules, then why do people get banned for posting rickroll links?? there is nothing here in the rules that states rickrolling or practical jokes are forbidden. So why do people get banned for it??

13:48:15 Jan 26th 10 - Mr. Falvion:

He who shall not be named has terrible music that has a really catchy tune that will be stuck in your head for a long time.

15:38:16 Jan 26th 10 - Mr. Gauntlet:

This Mike Smith, what has he done to deserve such a poor reputation?

16:39:07 Jan 26th 10 - King Charley Deallus V:

"Ok now if those are the rules, then why do people get banned for posting rickroll links?? there is nothing here in the rules that states rickrolling or practical jokes are forbidden. So why do people get banned for it??"

Because Zeta said so.

*Do not question forum moderation.



In all seriousness though, Zeta seems to dislike them, but maybe he may change his mind.

08:59:35 Jan 27th 10 - Mr. William Snowman:

Keep it away!!

the supreme god Zeta has spoken!

03:55:41 Feb 10th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

*makes an entrance in a grand display of spam*


"Alright people...this site has some of the best mods I've ever seen in terms of leniency. On most forums I go to, a mod's word IS law. That means, if you even think about questioning them, your ass is out of that forum faster than lightning."


"Every person who posted against a moderator in this forum would be banned, their names erased, and if anybody even thought of starting an "unban <insertnamehere>" thread, the thread would be deleted, and the person who started it would get a banhammer to the face."


"What I’m saying is that the crap you’re complaining about that you call mod abuse is nothing. I’ve been the God of Spam on more forums than one, and I’ve been banned on all of them except this one. I'm all for voicing concrete complaints, but this seems more like a chorus of whining than anything. Never thought I’d ally myself with a moderator, but the complaints I’m seeing make me laugh."


*disappears in a cloud of spam*




"Oh, and come on down to the roleplaying forum! It's FANTASTIC!"

*disappears again*

04:27:56 Feb 10th 10 - Duke Salad:


i swear to god ever time someone is banned its like JFK got shot all over again, i rarely agree with Charley, but Pimp is a tool and deserves to be banned for bashing the mods and Zeta, Pengu should have posted porn all over the place and if everyone remembers Soc you will all remember he got banned for Rick rolling everyone as-well, so here is an idea.

  1. Don't break the rules
  2. Don't rick roll VU
  3. Don't bash the Mods and the Admin
if you follow those 3 easy rules you will not get banned, Dont bash Charkey as he is just doing what he is suppose to, stop stupid people posting useless crap on the forum.

04:29:24 Feb 10th 10 - Sir Arvious X:

Zeta = Principal
Mods = Teachers
VU Players = Students
Arvious = GOD WHY!?

Had to make a come back somehow, didn't I?

Anywho, point one.  Honestly, why are you all getting so worked up over some video of an annoyingly catchy tune?  In the end, all of your pointless whine ends up thrown down the crapper, because moderation overrules players.  This is not an idea, this is the truth.  Moderation was created to get rid of things the go against forum rules.  Rickrolling people does not contribute to anything whatsoever, so moderators have full authorization to remove them.  Same goes to most of the things in this thread.  Look forward to lockage.

Another thing.  It makes no difference at all if VU is in the US.  Most forums in the US have censorship, so why does that make VU any different.

Bleh... I'm tired... enough braining for today.

*listens to Rick Astley*

05:49:27 Feb 10th 10 - Duke Pesterd:

Lets get this clear. You clearly contradicted yourself with this thread.

Mr. Dwarfnub


07:16:23 Jan 26th 10
§1 Stay on topic - Rickrolling isnt on topic

§2 No personal attacks, racism or name calling.

§3 Do not post offending (as in disgusting) content.
General guidelines:

    * Posts must add content to the discussion. - Rickrolling doesnt add content to the Discussion
    * Contribute to the topic. Avoid one-liners and spam. - Rickrolling is spam

    * No pointless criticism
    * Explain or caption pictures if they do not explain themselves - Rickrolling is basically a caption Picture and have no explanation but SPAM
    * No advertising - Your clearly advertising for the guy that made it
    * Don't make rules for your thread unless it's some type of game, poll, etc.
    * Write in english - Rickroling isnt even WRITING!
    * Don't make fun of other players in the game unless it's about their in-game role-playing character.
    * No chatting! Do it via PM or the chat instead.
    * Do not question forum moderation.

Bug reports and suggestions:

    * Be as specific as possible so your problem can be addressed ASAP
    * Give instructions how to repeat the bug.
    * Post as much information as possible. Screenshots are welcome.
    * Don't drag these threads off-topic, dredge up politics, etc.

Miscellaneous Discussions:

    * Thread start must have enough content to allow a debate or discussion.

In game politics

    * We talk about in game politics and are not interested to hear about how Mike Smith from California, US is a asshole. Posts clearly directed towards the player (not the character) are not tolerated.

Ok now if those are the rules, then why do people get banned for posting rickroll links?? there is nothing here in the rules that states rickrolling or practical jokes are forbidden. So why do people get banned for it??


That is why it is a bannable offence 

There you have it. Its all been set in stone.

23:33:24 Feb 11th 10 - VU Admin:

Picture this scenario:

You see a thread that says "check this out" or "do not click here"

You open the thread, and the post say "Check this site out, it has boobs"... 

Who can resist that?

So you click on the link in the post. Then your browser hangs. There is is a voice from your speakers: "HEY LOOK IM WATCHING PORN!". Then there is gay porn all over your screen.
You quickly reboot the system, without saving what you where working on.

15:34:08 Feb 12th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:


15:42:42 Feb 12th 10 - Clown Penguin The Chilly Willy:

lool this reminds my situation were i put rick roll (it jumped from one side to other side, when you tryed to close it gave lyrics) but i put big words DONT CLICK and hyperlink on it looool

15:56:58 Feb 12th 10 - King Charley The Webnazi Kgb Mod:

Yeah, and it broke the thread <_<

04:13:03 Apr 14th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

Yeah and I just Ctrl+Alt+ Deleted that easily. ^^

15:15:13 Apr 19th 10 - Mr. Willem Beunhaas:

i just say that it haz to leave, then i spray some holy-water on my screen and then the image burns to ashes...

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